
Most people, given the opportunity, want to pay their bills. Some unscrupulous businesses, however, have committed themselves to abusing consumers. Rather than working with consumers to reduce debt, these unscrupulous businesses take advantage of anyone that deals with them. Federal and state law protects consumers from these businesses.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Debt Collectors Can’t Just Keep Calling Your Relatives and Friends

In fact, federal law prohibits them from calling any one person more than ONCE. 15 USC § 1692b(3). As an added protection simply ask the debt collector to stop calling others.

Of course, debt collectors often lie and say that they were not ask to stop calling others, so the better course of action is to ask them to stop in writing or in an email. Whoever they are calling should ask that the calls stop also. If the calls keep coming anyway, whoever they are calling should follow up with a letter or email.

Even the one time that a debt collector is permitted to call someone else, they can only call to try to get information about your whereabouts. If they debt collector reveals that they are calling about a debt or that they work for a debt collector, it is most likely a violation of federal law. blb (205)912-8248.

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