
Most people, given the opportunity, want to pay their bills. Some unscrupulous businesses, however, have committed themselves to abusing consumers. Rather than working with consumers to reduce debt, these unscrupulous businesses take advantage of anyone that deals with them. Federal and state law protects consumers from these businesses.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Debt Collector Keeps Calling My Neighbors

Can they do that? Well, maybe. Debt collectors cannot call your neighbor in general attempt to collect a debt from you. For example, debt collectors cannot wait until supper time and then call all your neighbors and ask them to bring you a message to pay your debts.

Federal law permits debt collectors to call your neighbors for the limited purpose of asking for location information. In doing so, the debt collector may not disclose that you owe a debt. In fact, the debt collector cannot even disclose the name of his or her debt collector employer unless your neighbor expressly asks. Incidentally, the debt collector can never ask your neighbor (or any third party) to deliver a message for you to call them back. blb (205)912-8248

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