
Most people, given the opportunity, want to pay their bills. Some unscrupulous businesses, however, have committed themselves to abusing consumers. Rather than working with consumers to reduce debt, these unscrupulous businesses take advantage of anyone that deals with them. Federal and state law protects consumers from these businesses.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Are There Time Limits on My Debts?

We recently blogged about the time limits consumers have to bring actions against harassing or abusive debt collectors.   Well, time limits similarly exist regarding how long debt collectors have to bring lawsuits against consumers for failure to pay a debt.   Unfortunately, many consumers are unaware of these time limits.   Although debt collectors may not be able to sue on a time-barred debt, they can still ask a consumer to pay it.   Further, there are several factors that might even extend the time limits on a particular debt.   The video by ABC news discusses how some debt collectors use time-barred debts, among other methods, to try to get money from consumers.   An attorney can help you determine whether you debts are time-barred or still available for collection.   -Meredith Phillips (205) 912-8244

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