
Most people, given the opportunity, want to pay their bills. Some unscrupulous businesses, however, have committed themselves to abusing consumers. Rather than working with consumers to reduce debt, these unscrupulous businesses take advantage of anyone that deals with them. Federal and state law protects consumers from these businesses.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Debt Collectors Using False or Misleading Names

When contacting consumers, debt collectors are not allowed to make false or misleading representations. This includes using any business name that is not the company’s true name as well as any name that implies a connection with the government, a particular state, or the United States of America.

Debt collectors may use false names in an attempt to deceive or frighten consumers. As an example, a debt collector’s use of “Federal Criminal Enforcement Division” or “Emergency 911” as their name or caller i.d. label—when that is not their actual name—is the type of false and misleading conduct that might be in violation of federal law. An attorney can help you determine your rights if you have been contacted by a debt collection company using a false or misleading name. -Meredith Phillips (205)912-8244
Blankenship Harrelson, LLP

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